How to Build a Concrete Foundation

How to Build a Concrete Foundation

The type of foundation depends on the area of the foundation will be located on and the type of structure that will be placed on it.
  • Shallow foundations are built on level ground and hard surfaces.[Shallow foundations are no more than 3 feet (0.91 m) (91.44 cm) deep and are used primarily for smaller, simpler projects like holding patio furniture, a fountain, or an air conditioning unit.
  • Deep foundations are used for more complex projects. Deep foundations are also used when soil conditions are poor or when building a structure on a hill. Deep foundations are more than 3 feet (0.91 m) (91.44 cm) deep and can have varying depths throughout. This type of foundation is suited for a shed or a detached garage.
Add 2 feet (0.61 m) (60.96 cm) on either side. This properly spaces the form work and allows you the space you need to lay your foundation.

Situate and lay down the boards in the planned foundation shape and size.

Adjustments to the form can not be made after the concrete is poured. Because concrete is very heavy, be extra sure your formwork is strong and firmly in place.

  • Dump the dry cement into the wheelbarrow.
  • Add the water very slowly. Stir constantly.
  • Stir the mixture thoroughly. Mix in just enough water so your cement is chunky. Don't let the mixture get too soupy.
  • Remember to wear safety glasses, gloves, and a mask when mixing concrete
  • Pour your ready concrete into your form.
  • Use your trowel to level it off and smooth it over.
  • Make grooves with your trowel if you want a non-slippery surface.
  • Let the concrete dry.
  • Remove the forms after the concrete thoroughly dries. This will take at least 24 hours.
  • Keep the concrete wet to avoid cracking if it's hot outside. Soak it with a hose at least twice daily, three times if it is very hot outside.
  • Cover the pad if it looks like rain. Rain can cause depressions in the concrete and cause your foundation to be uneven.

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